SWERTO: Space-Weather at the University of Rome Tor Vergata has been financed by the Regione Lazio FILAS-RU-2014-1028 fund for the period April 2015 – March 2017 under the number 18466.
The main goal of the project is the realization of a data-base centre for satellite-borne (e.g., PAMELA, ALTEA) or ground-based (e.g., IBIS, MOTH) instruments which are relevant to the determination of the physical conditions of the circumterrestrial environment in the Space-Weather perspective.
The centre will allow the registered user to access scientific data from instrumentation available to the Physics Department researchers through national and international collaborations, and will provide fluent software for the selection and visualization of such data, promoting the access to technical and scientific information from the industries which employ technologies vulnerable to Space-Weather effects.
In summary, SWERTO aims to:
A) Design and realize a data-base with the particle fluxes recorded by the space missions: PAMELA, ALTEA, Alteino, SilEye, NINA, and with the spectro-polarimetric measurement of the solar photosphere from the IBIS instrument at the NSO Sacramento Peak (NM, USA) or multi-height observations with MOTH at the Mees Solar Observatory on Maui (Hawaii, USA).
B) Allow an “Open Access” to the data-base to the industries involved and exposed to Space-Weather effects.
C) Implement a tutorial and a FAQ section to help decision makers to realize and evaluate the risks from everyday and extreme Space-Weather effects
D) Dissemination and Outreach
More at: http://newsletter.lazioinnova.it/nl_news.asp?id=8622&title=space_weather_day
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