September 11, 2024

Solar and Space Physics UNIToV

Gruppo di Fisica Solare e Spaziale Università di Roma Tor Vergata


IPS Ionospheric Prediction Service project has been financed by the European Commission through the Tender contract No: 434/PP/GRO/RCH/15/8381.

The ionosphere is the largest source of position error for L1/E1 GNSS users of the Mass Market segment. Ionospheric performance monitor could be an added value for mass market GNSS applications with liabiliMagnetosphere_renditionty implications (e.g. car insurance, road tolling…) The Ionospheric Prediction Service is intended to meet the expectations of each user community specific to GNSS.


The international aviation community requires Space Weather information to manage operations during a solar eruptive event for purposes of safety and efficiencies of air traffic management (ATM). The main impacts of Space Weather events on aviation operations are:

  • Navigation impact: degradation of satellite based augmentation systems (SBAS, GBAS) and surveillance systems (ADSB)
  • Communication impact: loss or significantly degraded quality of continuous communications
  • Radiation Impact: affected performance of avionics systems and humans exposure to radiation.

Also the users of precise GNSS applications are affected by space weather events in both data links and navigation performance. Commercial service providers of GNSS augmentations are implementing monitoring infrastructures and are taking actions to mitigate software effects. Future users of the Galileo Commercial service will be also potential users of the Ionospheric Prediction Service.



UTOV contribution to the IPS project is represented by four main pillars: 1) observations and algorithms for flare forecasting, 2) research on magnetic reconnection as trigger of flares and CMEs, 3) algorithms for the detection of CME onset and time of arrival at 1AU, and 4) measurements of SEP and GCR and related research activities.

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