January 14, 2025

Solar and Space Physics UNIToV

Gruppo di Fisica Solare e Spaziale Università di Roma Tor Vergata

Available Thesis

Observation, analysis and interpretation of solar datasets

  • Dynamics of the Solar Photosphere and Chromosphere
    • Study of the dynamics of the solar photosphere by means of intensity and velocity fields, at different heights, obtained from high spatial resolution observations. Realization of dynamic systems (eg.: cellular automata) for the simulation and the study of the properties of photospheric fields statistics and magnetic reconnections.
Useful Skills: Programming, Solar Physics
  • High-Resolution Spectropolarimetry of the Solar Photosphere and Chromosphere
    • Analysis of observations from the ground with high spatial resolution , spectral and temporal obtained , or to be rendered at solar telescopes in the Canary Islands at the DST sacrament Peak (NM, USA). Campaigns may be coordinated with satellites (HINODE, SOHO and SDO) observations and are focused on the dynamics of the solar photosphere and chromosphere in relation to the evolution of the surface magnetic field.
Useful Skills: Programming, Solar Physics, will to travel to Observatories
  • Sun vs Earth Climate
    • Study of the effects of the solar input fluctuations onto the energy balance of the Earth’s surface and atmosphere. Impact on Earth climate on medium and long time scales.
Useful Skills: Programming, Solar Physics, Planetology/Climatology
  • Host Star vs Planet Climate
    •  Estimate of the effects of the movements of the stellar photosphere and stellar activity on the radial velocity measurements of the star with exo-planets candidates. Realization of Computational Models of stellar activity.
Useful Skills: Programming, Solar Physics, Planetology

New Instrumentation, New Computational solutions

  • Space Weather
    • Observations and algorithms for flare now-casting and forecasting, research on magnetic reconnection as trigger of flares and CMEs, algorithms for the detection and characterization of CME onset and forecasting of their time of arrival at 1AU.
    Useful Skills: Programming, Solar Physics
  • Interferometers for Spectropolarimetry
    •  Design of optical cavity interferometers in the visible-NIR range. Realization of space qualifed prototypes. Tests and calibrations of the optical quality, the spatial and spectral resolution. Realization of programs for the electronic management of the interferometric system.
Useful Skills: Programming, Optics, Electronics, Lab skills
  • Digital Data Analysis algorithms
    • Development of algorithms to handle the large datasets acquired with modern solar instrumentation. Lossy and lossless hyper-spectral data compression.
Useful Skills: Programming, Electronics