July 27, 2024

Solar and Space Physics UNIToV

Gruppo di Fisica Solare e Spaziale Università di Roma Tor Vergata

Space Weather and Space Climate


Technological infrastructure affected by space weather events. Credits: NASA
Technological infrastructure affected by space weather events.
Credits: NASA

Space weather refers to changes in the space environment and the effects that those changes have on mankind’s activities.
The primary source of space weather is the Sun. Variation in the electromagnetic and particulate output of the Sun is the main cause of changes in the Earth‘s upper atmosphere and surrounding regions such as the magnetosphere.

Interannual variability of stratospheric ozone and temperature in response to 11-year solar cycle

Solar particle event detected by ALTEA on board the International Space Station

The relativistic solar particle event of May 17th, 2012 observed on board the International Space Station

The active sun and its effects on space and Earth climate

Recurrent flares in active region NOAA 11283