July 27, 2024

Solar and Space Physics UNIToV

Gruppo di Fisica Solare e Spaziale Università di Roma Tor Vergata



The Solar Physics Group received more than 2 million Euros of external funds as PI or co-PI, 1.5 million from National grants and more than 500,000 Euros from European grants.

A list of all grants received follows:

  • PRIN-MIUR 1998 – Strutture magnetiche nell’atmosfera solare e nel plasma interplanetario
  • CNRS Projet International de Coopération Scientifique (PICS) “Étude de régions actives solaires”, 2000
  • CNR Agenzia 2000 “Osservazioni fotosferiche con il telescopio THEMIS “, 2000
  • CNR-Agenzia 2000 for the organization of the internationalcongress “THEMIS and the New Frontiers of Solar Atmosphere Dynamics”, 2000
  • PRIN-MIUR 2000 – Osservazioni ad alta risoluzione della granulazione e di strutture magnetiche
  • PRIN-MIUR 2002 – Dinamica fotosferica e bilancio energetico delle regioni magnetiche
  • PRIN-MIUR 2004 – Elementi magnetici nelle regioni quiete dell’atmosfera solare e formazione di regioni attive, 2004
  • ASI grant “Italian Vision for Moon Exploration” – WP1310 (Solar observations from the Moon), 2006
  • ASI-ESS grant S-Task 02160 “Modelli computazionali di riconnessioni magnetiche pilotate dalla dinamica fotosferica”, 2006
  • FP-7-INFRASTRUCTURES-2007-1 EST: the large aperture European Solar Telescope: sWP05300: Heat rejector della richiesta Design Study, 2007
  • PRIN-MIUR 2007 –  Realizzazione di un correttore di fronte d’onda per un etalon di grande apertura, 2007
  • ASI Small Missions Grant – Phase A study of Small Mission ASI-ADAHELI, 2008
  • PRIN-INAF – Scientific exploitation of the Interferometric BIdimensional Spectrometer (IBIS) – Magnetic structuring of the lower solar atmosphere, 2008
  • MIUR-PhD additional grant – Fondo per il sostegno dei giovani, 2009
  • FP7 Infrastructures 2012 – SOLARNET-JRA3.3 Heat Rejecter based on a Liquid Jet Impingement e JRA2.1 Etalons High resolution Solar Physcis I3, 2011
  • Home Affairs CIPS Project – SPARC: Space Awareness for Critical Infrastructure WP Space Weather European Community, 2012
  • PRIN-MIUR 2012 – Il sole attivo ed i suoi effetti sul clima dello spazio e della Terra, 2012
  • H2020 653982 – GREST – Getting Ready for EST: Advanced New Generation Instruments, WP3 “Capacitance-Stabilised Fabry-Perot Development”, 2015
  • FILAS-LazioInnova, Banca dati di Space Weather da strumenti nello spazio ed a Terra, 2015
  • European Commission GROWTH Tender No: 434/PP/GRO/RCH/15/8381 – Ionosphere Prediction Service, 2015
  • H2020 – PRE-EST – Preparatory Phase for the European Solar Telescope, 2017
  • H2020 – SOLARNET – Integrating High Resolution Solar Physics H2020-INFRAIA-2018-1, Project 824135, 2019
  • H2020-ESCAPE ‐ European Science Cluster of Astronomy & Particle Physics ESFRI Research Infrastructures 2019
  • PRIN-MIUR 2017 – Circumterrestrial Environment: Impact of Sun-Earth Interaction, 2019
  • BEYOND BORDERS 2019 – UTOPIA Hunting for Planet/Host Star interaction, 2019-2022
  • CAESAR – Comprehensive Space Weather Studies for the ASPIS Prototype Realization, 2022
  • SEE – Sun CubE OnE – Future Missions Cubesat, programma Alcor, Agenzia spaziale italiana, 2022