We report the first optical and control performances of the Tor Vergata Fabry-Perot interferometer prototype designed and realized in the...
Time-dependent PDF for pair separation of magnetic elements (a), b)), and the same rescaled to unity rms c), d) for...
Panel a) detected magnetic structures (in black) on a typical binarized SOHO/MDI magnetogram. The threshold is equal to 3σ....
The March 7th, 2012 X5.4 flare Active regions AR11429 and AR11430 as observed by SDO imagers around the March 7th...
Upper panel: Flare Locator Image showing AR11476 near west solar limb. Lower panel: GOES 14 X-Ray Flux measurement associated to...
Fabry-Perot tunable filters are of great interest in high spectral resolution imaging for both ground-based and space astronomical observations. Major...
Moving magnetic features (MMFs) are small-size magnetic elements that are seen to stream out from sunspots, generally during their decay...
Solar pores are intermediate-size magnetic flux features that emerge at the surface of the Sun. The absence of a filamentary...