SOLARNET: High-Resolution Solar Physics Network has been financed by the European Commission´s FP7 Capacities Programme for the period April 2013 –...
Fabry-Perot tunable filters are of great interest in high spectral resolution imaging for both ground-based and space astronomical observations. Major...
Moving magnetic features (MMFs) are small-size magnetic elements that are seen to stream out from sunspots, generally during their decay...
SPARC: Space Awareness for Critical Infrastructure has been financed by the European Commission´s EU HOME AFFAIRS CIPS programme. This project is...
Solar pores are intermediate-size magnetic flux features that emerge at the surface of the Sun. The absence of a filamentary...
Magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) wave propagation inside the Sun’s atmosphere is closely related to the magnetic field topology. For example, magnetic fields...
ADAHELI (ADvanced Astronomy for HELIophysics) is a small-class (500 kg) low-budget (50 MEuro) satellite mission for the study of the solar...
EST, the European Solar Telescope, is a pan-european project, presently in its Conceptual Design Study financed by the European Commission,...
Core intensity fields of FeII 722.4 nm ($z\simeq 50$ km) and FeI 709.0 nm ( $z\simeq 100$ km ) in...